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My Digital Marketing Stack

My Digital Marketing Stack


Avra Global

Marketing Co-Founder


Avra Global

Marketing Co-Founder


AXIA Network

Digital Marketing Coordinator


AXIA Network

Digital Marketing Coordinator


Search Engine People

Campaign manager


Search Engine People

Campaign manager

Zarrah Uy

Zarrah Uy

Zarrah Uy

Experienced digital marketer, specializing in online growth!
I'm a Jack of all (marketing) Trades.

Experienced digital marketer, specializing in online growth!
I'm a Jack of all (marketing) Trades.

What do I do outside of marketing?

Painting, video games, history and trippy sci-fi movies.

What do I do outside of marketing?

Painting, video games, history and trippy sci-fi movies.

What do I do outside of marketing?

Painting, video games, history and trippy sci-fi movies.

What do I do outside of marketing?

Painting, video games, history and trippy sci-fi movies.


What is the #1 mistake you see founders make with their marketing efforts?

The #1 mistake is not having a clear, consistent strategy. Many founders try random tactics without a cohesive plan, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities for effective growth.

As a founder with no marketing experience, how can I market my product and attract users?

Start with the basics: identify your target audience, create a compelling website, and use social media to share your product's benefits. Consider hiring a digital marketing expert to guide you.

As a founder with no marketing experience, how can I market my product and attract users?

As a founder with no marketing experience, how can I market my product and attract users?

Our website traffic is low. What strategies do you recommend to increase our online visibility?

We're struggling to differentiate ourselves from competitors. What's our marketing angle?

What are some cost-effective ways to market a startup with a limited budget?

How do you determine the best digital marketing channels for our startup?

How long does it typically take to see results from digital marketing?

When should I consider hiring a marketing expert or agency?