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Jun 10, 2024



min read

10 Must-Watch YouTube Videos to Build a Personal Brand in 2024

Check out the 10 must-watch YouTube videos in 2024 to build your personal brand.

Check out the 10 must-watch YouTube videos in 2024 to build your personal brand.

YouTube Videos  to Build a personal Brand in 2024
YouTube Videos  to Build a personal Brand in 2024
YouTube Videos  to Build a personal Brand in 2024
YouTube Videos  to Build a personal Brand in 2024

Have you been thinking about starting a personal brand in 2024? You may have seen a few videos on TikTok like this by Camille Moore or this by Maggie Sellers. According to Morning Consult , by Brand Analyst Ellyn Briggs .

"Two-thirds (67%) of Gen Z adults believe building a personal brand is important, and a similar share (61%) said they currently have or are interested in developing one — the highest among any generation on both accounts." x

This leads us to why people are building a personal brand and what’s the big deal. Well, to put it simply the market is crowded and a personal brand helps you stand out.

Building a personal brand is also a strategic way to invest in long-term self-monetization. It allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader, attract partnerships, and create multiple income streams through your recognized authority and expertise.

By building a personal brand, many people are seeing significant benefits. They are getting more visibility in their industry, attracting new business opportunities, and becoming recognized. A strong personal brand can also lead to higher earning potential and open doors to future employment and opportunities.

I’ve recently decided to build my personal brand in 2024 and I've watched a ton of videos to help guide me through the process. Based on my research, I've compiled a list of 10 YouTube videos that will share insights, strategies, and inspiration to build a powerful personal brand in 2024.

10 YouTube Videos to Build a Powerful Personal Brand in 2024

1. If I started a personal brand in 2024, I'd do this by Pat Flynn

  • 5-step process to follow to build a personal brand: understand your target audience, discover your audience's pursuits, identify your audience's problems, develop your platform, and create solutions.

  • The most important thing when building a personal brand is to focus on the people you are serving.

2. How to Build Your Personal Brand Now (2024 Masterclass) by Sean Cannel at Think Media and Rory Vaden

  • With the rise of AI, it's becoming easier and faster to create content, but that also means more competition. The biggest challenge is standing out from the noise.

  • Don't try to be everything to everyone. Focus on what makes you unique and share your stories and expertise in a way that only you can.

  • People are more likely to trust someone who creates high-quality, informative content.

3. How Personal Branding Helped Me Hit $100,000/mo (at 26) by Lara Acosta

  • Lara focused on a niche where she had an unfair advantage and wrote about the problems, solutions, and implementation of her ideas.

  • People consume content to be entertained, inspired, or educated. Your content should address the needs and wants of your ideal client and make them emotionally invested in your message.

4. Business Masterclass: How Anyone Can Build A Million-Dollar Brand by Ali Abdaal and Chris Ducker

5. How to Start a Personal Brand in 2024 on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok by Aliena Cai

6. My Personal Branding Strategy to Build a 150k+ Audience Online by Guillaume Moubeche

7. Build a Successful LinkedIn Personal Brand (Is it Too Late?) by Salina Yeung

8. The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Personal Brand in 2024 by Omar Eltakrori and Chalene Johnson

  • It's okay to evolve your personal brand. You don't need to pick a niche and stick with it forever. The key is to be clear and consistent with your messaging

  • The best way to learn about your niche is to put out content and see what resonates with your audience. Don't be afraid to experiment and test different things.

9. How To Build A $1,000,000 Personal Brand by Chris Do at The Futur

  • Your personal brand is built on 4 key components: origin story, community & culture, defining attributes, and the enemy.

  • Strong personal brands are built on emotional connection. People connect with a brand if they feel they know the person behind it and share their values.

10. How To Grow Your Personal Brand, Audience & Revenue by Adam Erhart

Final Thoughts

Building a personal brand is hard work and it requires time, resources, and dedication. Be prepared to test, iterate, and improve as you progress throughout your brand-building journey. The 10 YouTube videos I listed here provide a wealth of knowledge and practical tips to guide you along the way. I highly recommend watching these videos, putting into practice the strategies they offer, and improving your brand to help you stand out in 2024.

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